Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Allie at 8 months...

At 8 months, Allie is as entertaining as ever. She continues to work on crawling....getting closer every day. She can pretty much get around anywhere that she wants to now, but not in a typical crawling fashion. She gets on her belly, pushes up on her hands, and then gets up on her toes and pushes forward....who crawls on their knees anyway??? She's more of a yoga "downward facing dog" type of crawler.

During the past couple of weeks Allie's discovered how to go from her belly up to a sitting position. She thinks this is great! She's no longer stuck on her belly, and she can sit up and move around in her crib! Personally, I don't think this is so great, as she has decided that when it's time to lay down for a nap, she'll just sit up and play and play and play! I've put her down for naps a couple of times when she decided that she would rather sit up in her crib and play (and cry) for an hour and a half before sleeping. Oh how I miss the days of laying her down and knowing that she couldn't go anywhere! So it goes....

Below are some recent pictures of Allie from the last few weeks....she's been hanging out with Mommy, eating banana pudding at Granny's house, and shopping for spring clothes with Mommy and Granny!

My little angel......


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