Friday, September 3, 2010

Look where I can go, Mommy!

So, many of you know that Will is a climber...we're CONSTANTLY pulling him off of the stairs. And, he is FAST! He's really fast!

Yesterday, Allie was sitting at her table eating her grapes and drinking some milk while Will was standing next to the table. I turned away to type and email for maybe, oh, 10 seconds, and when I turned back around, look at what I found!

Will must have decided that he wanted some of Allie's grapes, and apparently the quickest way to get there was just to climb on top of the table.....the shortest route between two places is a straight line, right? Yep....he climbed right up there all by himself in a matter of seconds. He even hung out up there for a while and posed for a few more pictures!

He climbed on the table several more times yesterday afternoon....I have a feeling we have a new challenge in front of us!


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